West Babylon Junior High School

Address: 200 Old Farmingdale Road, West Babylon, NY 11704
Main Office: (631) 376-7200
Attendance: (631) 376-7200 ext. 7275
Principal: Dr. Carlos Falcón
Asst. Principal: Alison Somma

School Hours: 7:42 AM-2:25 PM

Exterior photo of school building

Remember to have your student ID VISIBLE every day. Please contact the main office if you need a new ID tag.


School Updates


Contact Information

To contact a teacher, find the teacher's phone number in the Staff Directory. If the teacher is not available, leave a message on their voice mail.

To report a student absence, call (631) 376-7200 ext. 7275. 


Warm Weather, Smiling Faces for First Day

Warm Weather, Smiling Faces for First Day. thumbnail260769

West Babylon School District opened its doors for the start of the 2024-2025 school year on Sept. 4. Students were greeted with a warm welcome at their respective building entrances by administrators and staff members.

With their backpacks stuffed with school supplies, elementary students throughout the district were eager to find their new classrooms and connect with classmates. At West Babylon Senior High School and West Babylon Junior High School, students familiarized themselves with their new schedules and tested out their lockers. The district’s sixth graders and ninth graders walked through their new buildings prior to the start of school during their respective orientation days. Students and staff are looking forward to the new year and all its possibilities.

Click here to view the Warm Weather, Smiling Faces for First Day slideshow.

Date Added: 9/5/2024

New School Start Times

New School Start Times Graphic thumbnail260534

Click here to see the new school start times beginning September 2024.

Date Added: 8/12/2024